Hierarchical Steiner chain
Apollonius fractal
Apollonius gasket
Apollonius gasket 2
Hopf torus
Parametric Hopf torus
Parametric Hopf torus 2
Parametric Hopf torus 3
Parametric Hopf torus 4
Twenty Hopf tori
Twenty Hopf tori 2
Twenty Hopf tori 3
Hopf tori in Steiner configuration
Steiner chain with cyclide
Steiner chain with Villarceau circles
Linked cyclides
Parametric linked cyclides
Parametric linked cyclides 2
Clifford torus
Clifford torus 2
Lawson surface
Ring cyclide by torus inversion
Ring cyclide by marching cubes
Barth sextic
Barth sextics in Steiner configuration
Barth sextics in Steiner configuration 2
Barth polyhedra in Steiner configuration
Togliatti surface
Togliatti surface 2
Lampret surface 7
Lampret surface 8
Twenty bitruncated cones
Twenty bitruncated cones 2
Twenty bitruncated cones 3
Truncated tesseract
Hexagonal duoprism
Trefoil knot
Bouquet of roses
Thex (truncated 16-cell)
Compound of five tetrahedra
da Vinci's 72-sided sphere
da Vinci's 72-sided sphere, colored
A strange convex hull
Spherical triangle
Randomly triangulated sphere
Triangulated sphere
Another triangulated sphere
Hopf fibration
Nested tori
Cantellated tesseract
Toroidal helix
Rectangle to cylinder
Cylinder to torus
Rectangle to torus
Enzensberger star
Hyperbolic triangle
Hyperbolic triangle 2
Hyperbolic dodecahedron
Hyperbolic dodecahedron 2
Mandelbulb 2
Mandelbulb 3
Mandelbulb 4
Bonan-Jeener triple Klein's bottle
Hopf torus "live"
Hopf torus with modified stereographic projection
3,6-duoprism (more efficient)
Ring cyclide by torus inversion (more efficient)
Hopf torus with Gray-Scott texture
Duoprism, controlling A and B
Castellated rhombicosidodecahedral prism, tetrahedra only
Truncated tesseract (better)
Snub 24-cell