My 'Meshes.jl' gallery
I really like the Julia package Meshes.jl. In this post, I show some pictures and animations I did with this package.
Hopf torus
If you know my blog, then you know my fascination for Hopf tori. Here is one.
Hopf torus circle by circle
The same one, but plotted circle by circle.
Nested Steiner chain
I already showed on this blog how to draw a nested Steiner chain with different programming languages. Here is the Julia way.
Barth sextic
One of my favorite isosurfaces. It is done with the help of the MarchingCubes.jl package.
Hyperbolic icosahedron
It is constructed with the help of the gyrovector space theory.
One can change the hyperbolic curvature:
Linked cyclides
Now we switch to the 4D world. Here are three linked cyclides.
Also known as the hypercube.
Duoprism 3,30
I already showed on this blog how to draw a duoprism with different programming languages. Here is the Julia way.
Duoprism 30,30
And here is the (30,30)-duoprism.