Parametric surface with OpenGL in Haskell

Posted on March 27, 2018 by Stéphane Laurent

In this blog post, I will show how to draw a parametric surface with the Haskell OpenGL library.

We will take as example the following function with two variables \(u\) and \(v\) and depending on a parameter \(n\):

\[ f_n(u,v) = \begin{pmatrix} \sin\Bigl(n v + \dfrac{\pi}{2}\Bigr) \left(\Bigl(1-\dfrac{v}{2\pi}\Bigr)(1 - \cos u) -0.2 \right) \\ \dfrac{4v}{\pi} \Bigl(1-\dfrac{v}{2\pi}\Bigr) \sin u \\ \cos\Bigl(n v + \dfrac{\pi}{2}\Bigr) \left(\Bigl(1-\dfrac{v}{2\pi}\Bigr)(1 - \cos u) +0.2 \right) \end{pmatrix} \] for \(0 \leq u \leq 2\pi\) and \(0 \leq v \leq 2\pi\). It draws a conical spiral (see the images below).

Firslty, we define this function in Haskell:

We will evaluate the function \(f_n\) at the corners of each square of a grid like the one show below:

This is done by the Haskell function quad below, which returns a pair made of a four-tuple of Vertex3 and the normal. To get the normal, we use the helper function triangleNormal which computes the cross product.

Now we compute all the quad’s for two given integers defining the grid:

Now we make a standard OpenGL program. We allow the user to use the keyboard for some controls: rotating the scene and increasing/decreasing the parameter \(n\).

module ConicalSpiral.ConicalSpiral2 where
import           ConicalSpiral.Data2
import           Data.IORef
import           Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL
import           Graphics.UI.GLUT

white,black,red :: Color4 GLfloat
white      = Color4    1    1    1    1
black      = Color4    0    0    0    1
red        = Color4    1    0    0    1

display :: IORef GLfloat -> IORef GLfloat -> IORef GLfloat -- rotations
        -> IORef GLdouble  -- parameter n
        -> IORef GLdouble  -- zoom
        -> DisplayCallback
display rot1 rot2 rot3 n zoom = do
  clear [ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer]
  n' <- get n
  r1 <- get rot1
  r2 <- get rot2
  r3 <- get rot3
  z <- get zoom
  (_, size) <- get viewport
  let surface = allQuads 200 200 n'
  resize z size
  rotate r1 $ Vector3 1 0 0
  rotate r2 $ Vector3 0 1 0
  rotate r3 $ Vector3 0 0 1
  renderPrimitive Quads $ do
    materialDiffuse FrontAndBack $= red
    mapM_ drawQuad surface
    drawQuad ((v1,v2,v3,v4),norm) = do
      normal norm
      vertex v1
      vertex v2
      vertex v3
      vertex v4

resize :: Double -> Size -> IO ()
resize zoom s@(Size w h) = do
  viewport $= (Position 0 0, s)
  matrixMode $= Projection
  perspective 45.0 (w'/h') 1.0 100.0
  lookAt (Vertex3 0 0 (-15+zoom)) (Vertex3 0 2 0) (Vector3 0 1 0)
  matrixMode $= Modelview 0
    w' = realToFrac w
    h' = realToFrac h

keyboard :: IORef GLfloat -> IORef GLfloat -> IORef GLfloat -- rotations
         -> IORef GLdouble -- parameter n
         -> IORef GLdouble -- zoom
         -> KeyboardCallback
keyboard rot1 rot2 rot3 n zoom c _ =
  case c of
    'b' -> n $~! subtract 0.1
    'n' -> n $~! (+ 0.1)
    'e' -> rot1 $~! subtract 1
    'r' -> rot1 $~! (+1)
    't' -> rot2 $~! subtract 1
    'y' -> rot2 $~! (+1)
    'u' -> rot3 $~! subtract 1
    'i' -> rot3 $~! (+1)
    'm' -> zoom $~! (+1)
    'l' -> zoom $~! subtract 1
    'q' -> leaveMainLoop
    _   -> return ()

idle :: IdleCallback
idle = postRedisplay Nothing

main :: IO ()
main = do
  _ <- getArgsAndInitialize
  _ <- createWindow "Conical Surface"
  windowSize $= Size 500 500
  initialDisplayMode $= [RGBAMode, DoubleBuffered, WithDepthBuffer]
  clearColor $= white
  materialAmbient FrontAndBack $= black
  materialShininess FrontAndBack $= 95
  materialSpecular FrontAndBack $= white
  lighting $= Enabled
  lightModelTwoSide $= Enabled
  light (Light 0) $= Enabled
  position (Light 0) $= Vertex4 0 0 (-100) 1
  ambient (Light 0) $= black
  diffuse (Light 0) $= white
  specular (Light 0) $= white
  depthFunc $= Just Less
  shadeModel $= Smooth
  n <- newIORef 5.0
  rot1 <- newIORef 0.0
  rot2 <- newIORef 0.0
  rot3 <- newIORef 0.0
  zoom <- newIORef 0.0
  displayCallback $= display rot1 rot2 rot3 n zoom
  reshapeCallback $= Just (resize 0)
  keyboardCallback $= Just (keyboard rot1 rot2 rot3 n zoom)
  idleCallback $= Just idle
  putStrLn "*** Haskell OpenGL Conical Spiral ***\n\
        \    To quit, press q.\n\
        \    Scene rotation:\n\
        \        e, r, t, y, u, i\n\
        \    Zoom: l, m\n\
        \    Increase/decrease parameter: n, b \n\

And this is the result:

We have chosen to render the conical spiral in red. We can include colors. A possible way to do so is to compute the average value of the quad, normalize it and consider the result as a RGB code:

Then, in our display function:

And this is the result:

The full code is available in this Github repo.