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Simulation of the fractional noncentral Wishart distribution

Posted on December 9, 2017 by Stéphane Laurent
Tags: R, maths, statistics

It is well known how to simulate the noncentral Wishart distribution when the number of degrees of freedom ν and the dimension d satisfy ν>2d1, or when νd is an integer. In their paper Exact and high-order discretization schemes for Wishart processes and their affine extensions, Ahdida & Alfonsi provide a method that allows to simulate the Wishart process of dimension d for any number of degrees of freedom νd1 and without restrictions on the other parameters. This method allows to simulate the noncentral Wishart distribution, in the way we will expose now.

Two properties of the noncentral Wishart distribution

We will need the two following properties.

Recall that the characteristic function of the noncentral Wishart distribution W(ν,Σ,Θ) at Z is ϕν,Σ,Θ(Z)=exp(itr((Id2iZΣ)1ZΘ))det(Id2iZΣ)ν2.

First property of the Wishart distribution. Using the characteristic function, it is easy to check that AWAW(ν,AΣA,AΘA) when WW(ν,Σ,Θ).

Second property of the Wishart distribution. Using the characteristic function, it is not hard to check that if W1 and W2 are two random matrices such that W1W(ν,Σ1,Θ) and (W2W1)W(ν,Σ2,W1), then W2W(ν,Σ1+Σ2,Θ). This result is proved in A&A’s paper only for the covariance matrices Jid we will see later, by means of another method.

Let’s prove this result with the characteristic function. The conditional characteristic function of W2 given W1 at Z is exp(itr((Id2iZΣ2)1ZW1))det(Id2iZΣ2)ν2. The characteristic function of W2 is obtained by taking the expectation of this expression, and doing so we get ϕν,Σ1,Θ((Id2iZΣ2)1Z)det(Id2iZΣ2)ν2=exp(itr((Id2i(Id2iZΣ2)1ZΣ1)1(Id2iZΣ2)1ZΘ))det(Id2iZΣ2)ν2det(Id2i(Id2iZΣ2)1ZΣ1)ν2.

It is easy to check that the denominator is det(Id2iZ(Σ1+Σ2))ν2. The expression inside tr() at the numerator is ((Id2iZΣ2)(Id2i(Id2iZΣ2)1ZΣ1))1ZΘ=(Id2iZ(Σ1+Σ2))1ZΘ.

Thus we find that the the characteristic function of W2 is ϕν,Σ1+Σ2,Θ, that is to say W2W(ν,Σ1+Σ2,Θ).

A&A’s simulation method

A&A’s simulation method has three steps:

  • it firstly gives an algorithm to simulate W(ν,J1d,Θ), denoting by Jid the d×d covariance matrix whose all entries are equal to zero except the (i,i)-entry which is equal to one;

  • using the first step and the two properties of the Wishart distribution that we have seen, it provides a way to simulate W(ν,Ind,Θ) where Ind=J1d++Jnd;

  • using the second step and the first property of the Wishart distribution that we have seen, it provides a way to simulate W(ν,Σ,Θ) for any covariance matrix Σ.

Simulation of W(ν,J1d,Θ). This algorithm runs as follows. Let (L,M,P) be an extended Cholesky decomposition of Θ2:d,2:d. Set Q=(100P) and ˜Θ=QΘQ, then set u=L1˜Θ1,2:(r+1) and v=˜Θ1,1ri=1u2i. Take Z1,,ZriidN(0,1) and set Gi=ui+Zi. Finally, take Xχ2νr,v (noncentral chi-squared distribution) independent of the Zi, and set W=Q(1000L00MIdr1)(X+ri=1G2iG0GIr0000)(1000LM00Idr1)Q. Then A&A have shown that WW(ν,J1d,Θ).

Simulation of W(ν,Ind,Θ). Let P be the permutation matrix exchanging rows 1 and 2. Using the previous algorithm, simulate W1W(ν,J1d,Θ). By the first property of W we have seen, PW1PW(ν,J2d,PΘP). Then, still using the previous algorithm, simulate (W2W1)W(ν,J1d,PW1P). By the second property of W we have seen, W2W(ν,I2d,PΘP). And by the first property, PW2PW(ν,I2d,Θ). Continuing so on, we can simulate W(ν,Ind,Θ) for any nd.

Simulation of W(ν,Σ,Θ). Finally, given any covariance matrix Σ of rank n, take the ˜C matrix of an extended Cholesky decomposition of Σ with permutation matrix P, and set A=P˜C. Simulate YW(ν,Ind,A1Θ(A1)) with the previous algorithm and finally set W=AYA, so that WW(ν,Σ,Θ) by the first property and by the property of the Cholesky decomposition.


The algorithm is implemented in my package matrixsampling. Let’s try it.

p <- 6
nu <- 6.3
Sigma <- toeplitz(p:1)
Theta <- matrix(1, p, p)
nsims <- 100000
W <- rwishart(nsims, nu, Sigma, Theta)

As expected, the average simulated matrix is close to the theoretical mean νΣ+Θ:

round((nu*Sigma + Theta) - apply(W, 1:2, mean), 2)
##       [,1]  [,2]  [,3]  [,4]  [,5]  [,6]
## [1,] -0.05 -0.04  0.00  0.00  0.02  0.04
## [2,] -0.04 -0.06 -0.03 -0.03  0.00  0.01
## [3,]  0.00 -0.03 -0.04 -0.06 -0.05 -0.05
## [4,]  0.00 -0.03 -0.06 -0.07 -0.04 -0.07
## [5,]  0.02  0.00 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.05
## [6,]  0.04  0.01 -0.05 -0.07 -0.05 -0.09

Let’s compare the theoretical characteristic function to its approximation obtained from the simulations:

z <- seq(0.001, 0.004, length.out = 20)
Z <- sapply(z, function(z){
  z*diag(p) + matrix(z, p, p)
}, simplify=FALSE)
tr <- function(A) sum(diag(A))
Phi_theoretical <- sapply(Z, function(Z){
             complexplus::Det(diag(p) - 2*1i*Z%*%Sigma)^(-nu/2) * 
             exp(1i*tr(solve(diag(p) - 2*1i*Z%*%Sigma) %*% Z %*% Theta))
Phi_sims <- sapply(Z, function(Z){
  mean(apply(W, 3, function(W){
plot(z, Re(Phi_theoretical), type="o", pch=19)
lines(z, Re(Phi_sims), type="o", pch=19, col="red")
plot(z, Im(Phi_theoretical), type="o", pch=19)
lines(z, Im(Phi_sims), type="o", pch=19, col="red")